TikTok Videos as a Catalyst for Vocabulary Acquisition in Tertiary Education

Alice Shanthi, Sheela Paramasivam, Geeng Ling Chong, Teoh Joo Tong


This study investigates the potential of TikTok as an educational tool for vocabulary acquisition among university students in Malaysia. As social media platforms continue to influence various aspects of daily life, their role in education, particularly in language learning, warrants closer examination. Through a mixed-methods approach, this research evaluates the effectiveness of TikTok videos in expanding the vocabulary repertoire of students at a public Malaysian university. The study builds upon previous research, including Simanungkalit and Katemba’s (2023) work on university students’ perspectives of TikTok for English vocabulary learning, and Abdullah et al.’s (2023) investigation into TikTok’s acceptance as an English learning tool. Results indicate that TikTok can serve as an engaging and effective platform for vocabulary development, with a significant portion of students reporting improved retention of new English words. The findings suggest that integrating TikTok into formal language education could enhance learning outcomes and provide students with additional, accessible means of language acquisition. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on social media in education and offers practical implications for educators seeking to leverage digital platforms in language instruction.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijssr.v13i1.22287


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