From Tradition to Transformation among Villagers in Sigi Regency (Histo-Sosiological Perspective)
The objectives of this study are reveal type of traditional action of villagers in Sigi Regency, to reveal transformational process of traditional people in Sigi Regency, and to disclose the consequence change from tradition to transformation among villagers in Sigi Regency. The research is of qualitative research with histo-sociological approach. Source of data are collected from words and behavior or act observed from informant trough observations and interviews through interaction between writer and local residents, to the trace of documentation about past happenings and facts, about expansion of Dutch colonialism in the land of Sigi, and also from personal documentation possessed by certain clan. The findings show that type of traditional action in Sigi Regency is the realization of of prower and dignity in which the actors are respectively magau, jogugu, galara, pabicara, punggawa, kalula and to tua ada’ of the past time and puempanga, bayasa, bule and topodondi in current time. Traditional people of Sigi Regency transform though historical transformation, clan differentiation and community difference in terms of social and economic characteristics. Consequences of change from traditional to transformative based on: a) inter-clan (fam) social cohesion due to the existence of high sentiment as for personal feeling come from the same clan, b) inter-clan social mobility, and c) conflict between older and younger generation. Research findings show that historical process leaves much less room for evolution to establish irrational and rational social arrangement among villagers based on the condition and tradition to transformation they follow. Condition and arrangement they follow is socially and economically measurable in a representative study through historical sociology.
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