To “MOOC” or Not to “MOOC”: Contributors to the Successful Implementation of MOOC in Countries of the GCC

Badr Salman H Alsoliman


Educational universities of GCC countries have developed a promising implementation of distance learning by delivering complete courses and degrees online. The present study aims to investigate the potentials and barriers for the successful implementation of MOOC in GCC countries. Delphi methods have been employed by recruiting 10 experts for maintaining a feasible and acceptable number of a sample size from different GCC countries. The findings indicated the issues related to a reduction in the fees of MOOCs and improvement in the adaptability of the offered MOOCs. The study pinpointed the instructors’ significant role in the provision of user-customized feedback and highlighted the instructors’ need for reward and recognition for the needed time and efforts. GCC countries can reap the benefits of MOOCs, if they reshaped their educational policies as a new model of credible learning, leading to employers’ recognition to MOOCs certificates.

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