Kahoot – A Game- Based Formative Assessment Tool During the Covid-19 Movement Control Order
The rapid development of technology has influenced the current system of education. The existence of various digital learning platforms online enables the teachers nowadays to implement them in teaching and learning as well as testing and evaluation. Kahoot is one of the digital learning platforms that mostly used by higher institutions students to assess their learning. Thus, a research conducted to investigate the usability of Kahoot as a formative assessment tool in ESL primary classroom during Covid 19 Movement Control Order period. The research employed mixed method approach whereby semi-structured interviews and survey questionnaire used as data instruments. There are 20 Year 4 pupils participated and responded to the questionnaire, while three of them and an English teacher responded to the interview. The findings show that most of the respondents coincided that the application of Kahoot enables them to learn English in a fun way, increase their English knowledge, capable to do the sharing of English knowledge to other people and increase their motivation and engagement during this pandemic period. In a classroom context, Kahoot has high potential in supporting and enhancing teaching and learning for both teacher and pupils with its outstanding features, especially during the pandemic period.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ire.v9i2.18413
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