Women and Poverty: Feminisation and Multidimensionality of Poverty in Resettlement Scheme in Sri Lanka
This study examines the dimension of poverty among women in the resettled indigenous community in Sri Lanka. The present study investigates how the dimension of poverty exists and is improving among resettled indigenous women in Sri Lanka. The objective of the study was to identify the poverty dimensions among indigenous women. The study adopted a qualitative approach by interviewing 30 Women (n=30 [resettled indigenous women], conducting three focus group interviews involving the young, adult and elderly women’s groups through empirical observation and document reviews. Open-ended questions were used to explore respondents’ experiences of poverty that they have faced in their community. The Research approach incorporated the qualitative explorative approach. Thematic data analyses were performed using the Granheim approach. The research findings indicate that indigenous women experience multiple dimensions of poverty. The notable dimensions are social, economic, food, energy, ageing, cultural, and societal poverty, which were emphasised by prominent chronic poverty experts. Poverty dimensions vary over different generations. The older generation lacked tactics for dealing with poverty, while the younger generation has effectively managed to overcome it. The middle generation has only partially succeeded in coping with poverty, with some individuals managing to do so while others have not. The various aspects of poverty have contributed to the precarious situation of women in the community. Notwithstanding the presence of policies, institutions, and processes aimed at poverty alleviation, these women remain highly vulnerable to extreme poverty as a community. Despite being resettled 35 years ago; these women continue to occupy rare positions in all aspects of development.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jsr.v15i2.22064
Copyright (c) 2024 Pulsie Epa, Wang Yi JiYe, Hu Liang

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Journal of Sociological Research ISSN 1948-5468
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