Exploring School Foodservice Directors’ Intentions to Implement Farm-To-School Procurement Methods Considering Food Safety Practices
This study explored the intentions of foodservice directors' (FSD) who oversee Farm-to-School (F2S) programs to implement alternative procurement methods that better account for food safety practices. A web-based questionnaire was distributed to 864 California school FSDs with 136 (15.7%) usable surveys returned. Findings revealed that although FSDs understand the importance of food safety training and have confidence in their ability to manage produce safety practices, they express little intention to change their procurement practices. This finding might indicate a need for more resources and supportive policies.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jss.v4i1.13250
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Copyright (c) 2018 Sandra C Curwood, Lakshman Rajagopal, Susan W. Arendt, Stephen W. Sapp

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