Assessment of Occupational Safety Practices Among Medical Laboratory Staff in Governmental Hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz J. Alshalani, Khaled F. Salama


Background: workers in laboratories are faced with many occupational risks at work and their health and safety may be severely jeopardized if adequate preventive protective measures are not taken. Objectives: to assess the level of occupational safety practices among laboratory staff in governmental hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Method: It was a cross sectional descriptive study among 107 laboratory staff, and 28 labs. Data was collected by a self-administered validated structured questionnaire and observation checklist, which were developed, and validated by us using guidelines on universal work precautions and based on previous studies. Results: Overall, there was a positive knowledge of, and attitude towards, occupational safety practices among medical laboratory staff. Nationality and age group were the only two variables that were significantly correlated with occupational safety practices. Almost of the occupational safety practices subscales were followed in the assessed subscales, except for certain parameters including mainly personal protective equipment’s and electrical safety. Conclusion: Overall, a positive knowledge of, and attitude towards, occupational safety practices among medical laboratory staff was reported.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Abdulaziz J. Alshalani, Khaled F. Salama

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