Owner Project Safety Leadership and Explosives Management in a Construction Project in Kashmir
This is research is focused on the evaluation of Owner Engineer perceptions and its impacts on Explosives management practices and developments related to an Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract (EPC) Tunnel Construction Project in Kashmir using an interpretive methodology.
The scope for this research was the Owner engineer project team. The population of interest was made up of 13 senior engineers, encompassing a multi-site EPC Tunnel Construction Project. Eleven (11) senior engineers were carefully targeted as a designed sample size.
The research outcomes consisted of three (3) Main Themes - Site Safety; Explosives Management and Security Issues and fourteen (14) sub-themes, with 387 dialogue targets.
The paper addresses a variety of major issues resulting from the analysis of narrative data relating to Owner project safety leaderships and raises determinations of the implications for managing safety at the project sites and in the wider community.Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jss.v5i1.15613
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