Knowledge and Consumer Behavior Related to Safe Practices of Food Handling
The purpose of this research was to analyze the perceptions and practices of participants involved in safe food handling. The sample was composed by 204 participants. To assess behavior, knowledge and psychosocial factors, the instrument used was divided in six topics: sociodemographic characteristics; behavioral measures regarding safe food production; measures about knowledge and practices in pest control and food purchase; Food Safety scale with two factors and Cronbach's alpha of 0.75; Credence declaration scale with three factors and Cronbach's alpha of 0.78, both scales with seven points, Likert type; Self-efficacy scale with one factor and Cronbach's alpha of 0.86, also Likert type with five points. A linear model of multiple variance analysis was used to evaluate if the variables gender, age, income, education and professional experience were used to determine the behavioral, knowledge and psychosocial measures. When the detected differences were significant, a post-hoc analysis was used with the Tukey adjustment. The knowledge about safe food production and food poisoning showed that 95.1% of participants consider very important hygiene precautions in food preparation in their homes; 30.4% of participants said that they or someone in their family have developed symptoms related to food poisoning in the last 12 months. The data obtained for self-efficacy showed significant differences for the variables gender, age and education. Women and college graduates replied that they Are Sure they Can Do That when asked about the execution of tasks that promote food safety. These results substantiate the need for educational initiatives tailored to develop the food safety knowledge and food-handling practices in Brasil.
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