The Role of Gender in Potato Production and Marketing: Case of Sheka Zone, Southwest Ethiopia
The objective of the study was assessing gender roles in potato production and marketing in the study area. Relevant information was gathered from 193 potato producers by using primary and secondary sources of data. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The result indicated that in seed collection (46.3%), land preparation (60.3%), planting (96.8%), weeding (50.3%), cultivation (32.6%), Harvesting (38%), transporting (39.9%) and marketing (68.9%) of women respondents participate. Decisions about production and marketing of potato in the study area was mainly taken by men and in some cases, women participates. The main challenges that hinder gender participation in potato production and marketing was lack of access and control over assets(19.2%), lack of control of income(30.6%), Lack of land (6.7%) and lack of decision making on potato production(39.9%). Therefore, increasing opportunities for women, giving recognition, encouraging, documenting and disseminating their role can have a positive influence on productivity of potato.
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