Barriers to E-Commerce Adoption in Syria: An Empirical Detection

Jaynal Uddin Ahmed, Hassan Hasan


The number of Internet users in the world has been mounted over the years. By the end of 2011, more than one-third of the population was online, i.e., 2.3 billion people, and this growth has provided the impetus and the opportunities for global and regional e-commerce. However, all countries are not likely to benefit equally from the virtuous circle of Internet diffusion created by globalization and multiple revolutions in information and communication technologies. The e-commerce can reduce the economic disparity between the developing and developed countries. Despite the promises made by various international organizations, the developing countries are encountering difficulties in realizing the benefits of e- commerce. It is argued that many factors are still confound and challenging the adoption of e-commerce. In order to derive the benefits of e-commerce, region specific /country specific diagnosis of the associated factors and barriers leading to the problem is an immense necessity. Keeping in view the various initiatives undertaken by the Syrian government viz., E-Signature Legislation Project, Intellectual Property Protection Project and the National Programme for Promoting Information Technology Initiatives etc.; and considering the multifaceted issues relating to e-commerce in Syria viz., formation of contracts, cyber contracts, validity of e-transactions, dichotomy of offer and invitation to treat, mutual mistake, identity of parties etc, a study on e-commerce adoption in Syria is fascinating academic focus. Hence, the paper is an attempt to detect the main barriers to e- commerce in Syria.

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