The Development of a Potential Local Dairy for an Emerging Peri-Urban Population of Cameroon

Zephania N. Fogwe


Dairy milk development guarantees income small graziers and nutritive balance of the population but its perishable and bulky characteristics requires a special production attention especially in the North West region of Cameroon where indigenous breeds of zebu cattle notably the Gudali, Red Mbororo and White Fulani grazed in nomadic to semi-nomadic systems year round. Primary and secondary data collected and treated statistically allude to the fact that Tubah-Sabga is an archetypical rangeland continuum where this activity has deepened its roots years past with a timidly growing human population that is a prime production and potential market. The population rise within this zone consequent of student influx has soared the demand potential for the dairy products that have been on a near abandonment to indigenous efforts. The current dairy production levels have a high potential to be enhanced by the emerging educational institutions emerging in the zone so as to guarantee a self-sufficiency for the local peri-urban community in the making.

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