Learning Goal Orientation and Turnover Intention of the Malaysian Adult Students

Ong Choon Hee, Tan Owee Kowang, Adriana Mohd Rizal, Goh Chin Fei


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between learning goal orientation and turnover intention of the Malaysian adult students. Adult students were selected as the respondents in this study because they were regarded as the most active participants in the nation’s knowledge-based economy. In the creation of knowledge-based economy, employee turnover issues should not be overlooked as it has potential to become an obstacle in the process of organizational development. The findings of this study show that the respondents registered a high level of learning goal orientation and a moderate turnover intention. There were no significant group differences in the mean scores of learning goal orientation and turnover intention among the respondents. Regression analysis revealed that there is no significant relationship between learning goal orientation and turnover intention. However, adult students who are pursuing their continuing education may not have the intention to leave their organization at this moment. But, the situation may change when they have successfully completed their study. Therefore, it is recommended that the organization’s human resource department shall provide suitable responsibilities to these individuals to ensure that they remain in their organizations.  

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i2.12992

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