Determinants in Relocation of Capital Cities
The capital city is characterized as a multifunctional city that has diplomatic missions, government institutions and economic centers that are so developed that often the capital is chosen as a city of urbanization by the Government. In Indonesia, floods often hit Jakarta and paralyze economic and governmental activities. To overcome the various problems of the capital, one solution that can be considered by a country is to move its capital. In Indonesia, the discourse to move the capital has a long history. This discourse arose against the background of various complex Jakarta problems. Indonesia needs to consider these three factors in the analysis to move its capital, not only the analysis in the country, but also the analysis of the experiences of other countries in the world that have moved its capital. The experience of various countries that have moved their capital cities will provide input and considerations, which could be used as a more appropriate analytical method to examine problems in Indonesia.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Doris Kokutungisa Ishenda, Shi Guoqing

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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