Effect of Performance Management on Employees Well-Being via Perceived Job Control
The significant amount of research attention was given to the association among HRM and well-being; but how the attention driving performance management influences well-being and what variables explain their relation has not been well discussed yet. This study investigates the relationship between performance management practices and employees well being when perceived job control is playing the role of mediator. The Present research study addresses this relation in, educating employees working in different sectors in Lahore city as the city recruits employees from different areas of the country (Pakistan). Data was gathered from 250 employees and results show that performance management significantly influences our mediator and well-being and also the mediator (perceived job control) significantly influences the relationship between performance management practices and well-being. For future research purposes, limitations as well as future directions are also discussed in this research.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/hrr.v2i1.13155
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