Role of Electronic Accounting Information Systems in Reducing the Phenomenon of Tax Evasion in Facilities Subject to Income and Sales Tax in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The study aimed at identifying the role of e-accounting information systems in reducing tax evasion in term of its three stages inputs, processing and outputs. It also explained the role of a compatibility between e-accounting systems and the instructions and procedures of income tax authority for reducing tax evasion. For achieving the purposes of the study, a questionnaire was distributed to employees of tax evasion authority, income and sales tax inspectors. The study found that using e-accounting information systems in the facilities subject to income and sales tax has contributed to a very high degree at input stage whereas the contribution of using e-accounting systems has been high at processing and output stages. In addition, the study indicated that existing the compatibility between e-accounting systems and the instructions of income and sales tax authority has highly contributed to the reduction of tax evasion. It also illustrated that the procedures and methods of professional examination of e-accounting information systems developed by income and sales tax authority have contributed to a very high degree of the reduction of tax evasion. Moreover, the study found that a sufficient experience of employees of income and sales tax authority in the field of using e-accounting information systems has contributed to a very high degree of the reduction of spreading of the phenomenon of tax evasion.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Reem Oqab Hussein Al- Khasawneh

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International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting ISSN 2162-3082
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