Why is Academic labor process becoming hectic in Pakistani Universities?
Due to academic labor process, the working conditions of universities are changing means now the working conditions of universities are becoming standardized. This research paper is qualitative in which researchers tried to explore the concepts that making the academic labor process hectic day by day in the context of Pakistani universities. The aim of this study is to explore that what is the effect of this changing working environment on the lecturers. The convenience sampling method based on self-administrated questionnaires is used to evaluate the effect of different variables on the academic labor process and data collected from the lecturers through interview. Concept analysis technique is used for discussion and conclusion. After allresearch, researchers came to know that HEC policies have a negative effect on university autonomy because according to HEC policies they want more research work in a less time which depressed the lecturers and they create a bad research work. Working conditions also have a bad impact on research work because lecturers are unable to do their work attentively. So, if the workload increases lecturers are unable to do their work properly. Incentives and bonuses play a motivational role to motivate lecturers to work well. Based on the results of thisstudy, researchers suggest to universities that they give the autonomy to their lecturers, so they work with full devotion. And separate the teaching and research work and give the lecturers a good working environment.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijafr.v4i1.6085
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Copyright (c) 2014 Maria Shahid, Hamna Shafiq, Ayesha Khan, Mubashir Asghar, Rafia Bari, Javeria Umer, Zainab Waheed

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