Royal Attire, Ceremonialism, and Performing Arts in the Kraton of Yogyakarta

R. M. Pramutomo


Royal attire aspect as part of the process of fashion and identity is an interesting phenomenon for a study. Especially if that aspect is then intended as a special element in relation to the events of ceremonialism and performance art in Yogyakarta Palace. In this presentation, a phenomenon which is closely related to the development of attires in the event of ceremonialism and performance art in the palace. Ceremonialism itself is a formal pattern designed for strategic interests which is combined in a compromise manner through the presentation of performance art. As stored in archival and document sources, there are always a number of formal standard patterns applied in ceremonialism. The best sources that are still being treated in the Sultan's Palace are manuscript records such as planners, budgels, pranatan and so on. In addition, through the archival studies approach, it is also known that the pattern of formal memory is also well stored among society record keepers as an oral tradition. This archival studies approach then limits in the area of fashion studies in a variety of standard formal patterns when the Yogyakarta Kraton performing arts perform certain ceremonies.

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