The Structural Transformations of Sundanese Wayang Golek Performance
The Sundanese wayang golek performance has transformed over the years. The transformations happen not only in art elements but also in various elements of its performance including performers, equipments, play, language and literature, act composition, sabet (wayang’s movements), time and settings of performance, musical element, stage, and custome players. Regarding these transformations in wayang golek performance, this article tends to study it with the title “The Structural Transformations of Sundanese Wayang Golek Performance”. Specifically, this article focuses on the development of Sundanese wayang golek performance art in Karawang. To study it, this research uses qualitative method. Furthermore, its analysis uses social structuration theory approach of Giddens’ structuration theory (1984). The transformations of structural elements in wayang golek performance refer not only to additional aspects but also to the aspects of decrement, broadening, constringency, accession or degradation in managing many elements which are part of performance structure of the Sundanese wayang golek. The roles and functions of Sundanese wayang golek performance art include not only as performance art and guidance but also as a creative medium to realize Sundanese wayang golek performance art as a cultural tourism attraction which is beneficial to increase people’s welfare.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Wawan Ajen Gunawan, Dadang Suganda, Reiza D. Dienaputra, Arthur S. Nalan
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