Difficulties in Mastering and Using English for Specific Purpose (Medical Vocabulary): A Linguistic Analysis of Working Saudi Hospital Professionals
The prime aim and objective of this study was to explore and analyse the difficulties faced by the hospital professionals in knowing and using medical vocabulary (terms) in day to day professional life. It is generally known that English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is different from other general vocabulary courses in many ways. In order to carry out the study, subjects comprised 76 trainees who attended a professional development/training course on the medical terminology. The location of the training course was Jeddah (KSA) which was attended by four types of hospital professionals and trainees. Apart from the personal experience in the past and the current 30 hour-training, a self developed questionnaire was also used to elicit required data. The results of the survey indicated that most of the trainees faced difficulties due to: difficulties in English, Greek and Latin borrowing, difficult word-structure and lack of opportunities to practice. Based on the findings, it could be suggested that the learners should apply some strategies to pursue self-learning via web resource and peer learning.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ije.v8i1.9163
Copyright (c) 2016 Intakhab Alam Khan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
International Journal of Education ISSN 1948-5476
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