Sustainable Developments of Public Relations Industry in Macao: Perspectives of Non-Public Relations Leaders serve as Public Relations Professionals at Gaming and Hospitality Industry
After the liberalization of gaming industry in 2002, Macao has experienced a large number of business, social, and industrial changes during the past decade. During the early 2000 and before, most of the non-profit and for-profit organizations might not have any established departments and sectors for the purpose of public relations. The purpose of this study mainly aimed to understand the socioeconomic development of Macao during (2005-2015) has influenced the demand and importance of public relations professionals. The researchers have conducted interviews with 9 non-public relations leaders serve as public relations professional at hospitality and tourism industry for their perspectives and understanding of the current industrial dynamic in Macao. The study discovered three main themes about 1) the importance of public relations from the practitioners’ perspective; 2) responsibilities and roles; and 3) requirements of contemporary organizations. The outcomes of this study may able to provide a holistic pictures and recommendations for hospitality and tourism industrial leaders, private agencies and NGOs administrators to upgrade and re-consider their human resource planning and public relations management into a higher level.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Weng Si Kuok, Luis Miguel Dos Santos

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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