Information Systems Quality Level and Its Impact on the Strategic Flexibility: A Field Study on Tourism and Travel Companies in the Jordanian Capital Amman
This study aimed to analyze the impact on the Information Systems Quality on the Strategic Flexibility in Jordanian tourism and travel companies in capital Amman. To achieve the goals of this study, the questionnaire has been developed to collect data which has been distributed over (130) individual through the survey population, (100) individuals had been studied, which represents 77%. The study reached to a group of results: 1. the perceptions of the people in question were fluctuating between high and moderate toward the level of the availability of Information Systems Quality and all of its dimensions in the Jordanian tourism and travel companies in capital Amman. Whereas their perceptions of the Strategic Flexibility were all moderate. 2. There is a statistical significance impact on the Information Systems Quality dimensions (Usability, Availability, Response Time) on the Strategic Flexibility for Jordanian tourism and travel companies in capital Amman. The study recommends the questioned companies’ administrations to draw attention to the perspectives of the Information Systems users when updating the systems design to improve the dimension of the Systems adaptation, also to bring the researchers attention to do more researches concern the Information Systems Services Quality, Information Quality and the Strategic Flexibility to complete the elements of Information Systems efficiency.
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