Workload, Work Pressure and Interpersonal Deviance in Academia: The Mediating Role of Neutralization
Extant empirical researches on deviant workplace behaviour have concentrated on negative deviant acts directed towards both the organizations (organizational) and its members (interpersonal) simultaneously while others solely focused on deviant behaviours directed at organization and its properties (organizational deviance). However, studies have not investigated interpersonal deviance as a major focus without considering organizational deviance. Drawing from theory of neutralization and job demand control model, the present study examined the mediating role of neutralization on the relationship between workload, work pressure and interpersonal deviance. The data was obtained from 356 academics in public universities in Nigeria. Using partial least square structural equation modeling, results revealed that workload and work pressure were significantly related to interpersonal deviance. On the other hand, neutralization significantly mediated the positive relationship between workload and interpersonal deviance. Similarly, neutralization mediated the relationship between work pressure and interpersonal deviance. Conclusively, it is essential to review the existing workloads and working conditions of faculty members in Nigerian public tertiary institutions with a view of minimizing interpersonal deviance.
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