Leadership Style, Ethics, and Strategy in Indonesian Navy - Case Study: Leadership of Rear Admiral Agung Prasetiawan, M.AP, (2017-Present) Commander of Kolinlamil
In an organization, leadership in an organization exists from a long time ago to the present, and leadership is a very important thing. A leader must use the right style to lead the organization he leads. The leader must also have good ethics in leading the organization and use appropriate strategies, so that organizational goals can be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to find out how much influence of leadership style, ethics and strategy what is used by an organization leader in a military institution that is Navy at Tanjung Priok Command Military Traffic (Kolinlamil) Jakarta, to be able to achieve organizational goals under leadership of Rear Admiral Agung Prasetiawan, M.AP. Kolinlamil is the main command in coaching and operations, which in the field of guidance of Kolinlamil is directly under the head a navy staff (Kasal), while the field of operations is directly under the Commander of the Indonesian Military (TNI). Kolinlamil is a military institution whose main task is to shift military or civilian forces from one area to another based on existing rules and orders.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v7i4.11775
Copyright (c) 2017 Faurna Lusiani Pakpahan, Hady Efendy

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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