Developing Opportunities of the Indonesian Navy Civil Servants through Career Pattern as a World Class Bureaucrat (Evaluation of Development Career Patterns Policy of the Indonesian Navy Civil Servants as a Respond to the Change of Human Resource Management)
In this paper, a review of five published scientific journals was conducted and an evaluation of the career policy of the Indonesian naval civil servants based on the study of the journal. To be able to create The Indonesian Navy Civil Servant (Navy Civilian) career development system, need to design a pattern of career employees in accordance with the organization's mission, culture and conditions of supporting device of employment system which is still valid to the organization, according with the mandate of law number 5 year of 2014 concerning to the state civil apparatus. Developing career of navy civilian system essentially a systemic effort, which includes the structuresand processes planned that produce to meet employee competencies and organizational needs. The implementation in the organization of the Indonesian Navy for career development of civil servants is not equivalence with the governmental organization in general, stalled at a certain limit, deadlocked and stagnates.The career pattern should be structured and measured to provide personnel devotion trip in reaching the retirement age, then there should be a review for navy civilian career pattern development to improve the management pattern of his career due to state civil apparatus as a profession, should give priority to the principles of professionalism, competence, qualifications, performance, transparency, objectivity based on management of human resources towards the realization of the government bureaucracy that is professional and able to compete.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Acep Maksum, Agus Purwoto, Hady Efendy

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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