Self-Leadership Strategy at PT. Trustco Cipta Madani (Establishing Building Management Change)
The business competition of the millennial generation human resource development consultant now is growing very quickly and it is difficult to predict as the progress of the world of information technology and creative ideas across generations. The world seemed to have no boundaries and time limits again. Only companies that have the ability to adapt to change will survive to stay 'survive'. Change management becomes one of the important strategies of a company to be able to improve a competitiveness. PT. Trustco Cipta Madani as a small-scale consulting firm with the business of human resources development that trying to make a change management in the face of this new generation through self-leadership strategy by involving all its employees. Every employee of PT. Trustco Cipta Madani required to have self-leadership, this is because basically every individual who has self-leadership then by itself will have self-planning, self-criticism, self-design, self-set goals and also can solve problems through self-problem. Competition consultant business world are increasingly demanding the improvement of the quality and innovation of both personnel and products continuously and sustainably effective and efficient manner.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Giri Susilo HJP, Hady Efendy

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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