A Proposal for an Integrative Model of Academic Innovativeness: The Case of Business Schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Based on previous research related to innovation at different levels, this paper will try to define an integrative model of academic innovation. In other words, we will propose a model which includes antecedents, dimensions and outcomes of academic innovation in business schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
This research is based on 140 questionnaires from different business schools in KSA. In this case, our objective is not only exploratory. We can say that this research must provide us with an integrative model of academic innovativeness, but this concept seems to be an objective and a variable here.
It is an objective because we are looking to explain its determinants based on organizational learning capacity. At the same time, if this innovativeness exists and is defined in business schools, what are its importance and its tangible effect? For this, we must consider innovativeness as a moderator variable with different dimensions, which can improve academic performance in both teaching and research.
This study shows that creativity and the need for collaboration are considered to be specific attributes of innovativeness in this field, and academic performance is one of the major outcomes of this dynamic process of innovation, appreciated at two levels: individual and organizational.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i1.11953
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