A Study on the Relation between the Demographics of Human Resource Managers in Turkey and Characteristics of their Companies
The demographics of HR managers have been a matter of discussion for a long time. Most frequently encountered comments include; those that work in the field of HRM are generally female, those that have a Bachelor’s Degree in business administration or economics, psychology, the humanities or law and those that have Master’s Degree, have more work experience or those that are transferred from other companies are mostly employed in HRM. A more in-depth analysis may be obtained by the comparing the demographics of HR managers with the characteristics of their organizations. In this context, the purpose of the study is to first determine the demographics of HR managers and whether there is a relation between the demographics and the characteristics of their organizations in Turkey. The data were obtained through “using available information” on corporate websites, various databases and social networking sites. The findings of the study show that there is relation between the demographic factors of human resource managers such as gender, education background, total work experience, and the way that they are appointed to their current position, and the characteristic factors of their organizations such as segment, sector, partnership, year of establishment, and legal status.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v7i4.11977
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