Implementation of Human Capital Management in HR Section of the Hang Tuah School of Health Science (STIKES) Pekanbaru
To manage people to stay ahead and be able to manage the changes of civilization in need of new ways. There is a paradigm shift in view of human positions within the organization. Man is a factor of production, man is the main driver of production and man is an organizational strategic asset. Problem Formulation: How Human Capital Management Implementation in Human Resources Department of Hang Tuah School of Health Science. Purpose of Writing: To analyze the implementation of Human Capital Management in Human Resource of Hang Tuah School of Health Science. Writing method used is descriptive analysis with case study approach. Conclusion: There is still a poor understanding of the Human Resources Manager of Human Capital as an organizational asset. According to the authors need reinforcement on the HR of Hang Tuah School of Health Science, so that all strategies and policies that have been set by the leadership can be done properly and correctly. In order for the HR Section to apply the Working Model of Excellent by integrating the managerial process and business results achieved. Need to understand and change the paradigm of the HR Manager that more and more companies are interested in using invisible assets and human capital as a way to gain more profit from competitors.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Ennimay Ennimay, Hady Efendy

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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