The Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust on Human Resource Management and Affective Commitment
This research empirically examines the mediating role of organizational trust on human resource management, and affective commitment. An independent variable may not provide the significant effect on a dependable variable whereas, the effect may be found significant through a third variable or indirect relationship. Thus, the research paradigm is determining the function of indirect variable whether it role as a full mediator or a partial mediator in the relationship analysis. The study is based on human resource management, employee psychology and organizational behavior literature, hypotheses were tested by using Baron and Kenny’s mediating analysis. The study reported mixed results on research key variables. Theoretically, the study contributes to conceptualized human resource management practices affective commitment and organizational trust theory. It also provides practitioners’ implications and awareness that lack of organizational trust, employee affective commitment might be reduced and management can be failure to accomplish organizational success and managerial acumen.
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