Job Satisfaction of Academic Staff in the Higher Education: Evidence from Private Universities in UAE
Job satisfaction in a work place is a feeling of contentment that a n employee derive from his role and responsibilities in the workplace and is dependent upon a number of factors, pertaining to personal, organizational and environmental factors. Considering the job profile and the demand for quality education among universities, the job satisfaction of academic staff in higher education is also affected. This paper aims to examine the job satisfaction of academic staff in higher education as well as private universities in UAE.
This study adopts a quantitative research methodology using survey according to 5-point Likert scale instrument. The survey has been divided into ten internal and external factors to determine job satisfaction of academic staff. The data obtained from the survey has been analysed by using statistical and regression analysis.
The study concludes that the academic staff of the private universities in UAE has been significantly satisfied with their jobs. It also found that only few factors have positively influenced job satisfaction, especially, supervisor support, promotion and support from colleagues. On the other hand, the study found that recognition and rewards for work done had a negative impact on job satisfaction of academic staff.
This study has important implications for higher education management in the development of job satisfaction of academic staff in the UAE. The authors determined that the selected factors, with few exceptions, behaved accordingly to what was expected.Full Text:
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