A Comparative Study of Human Resource Management Practices and Its Impact on Organizational Performance in Indian Public Sector Banks
The main purpose of this study was designed to explore and compare Human Resource Management practices and their impact on organizational performance in Indian Public Sector Banks. Human Resource Management is very important for banks because banking is a service industry. Research suggests that service quality has been increasingly recognized as a crucial factor that determines the level of success of any business Human input is the single largest input to the banking industry. The level of efficiency/productivity of this input is reflected in the quality of service offered by the banks to its customers, as also in its ultimate growth, productivity and profitability. Human Resource Management Practices has been studied extensively in Multinational companies, education sector and manufacturing sector. However only a few research has been conducted in banking industry. Even these researchers have not compared Human Resource Management Practices Public Sector banks in Jammu and Kashmir. The research was based on self-administered questionnaire survey of total 266 employees. It consists of 11 managers and 33 subordinates from PNB and 18 managers and 54 subordinates from SBI. The main HRM practices studied were General climate, OCTAPACE culture, Selection, job definition, career planning, training, performance appraisal and compensation. The data were analyzed statistically and finding revealed that HRM practices have huge impact on the organizational performance in banking sector. At the end research also depicted some limitation as well as future research directions.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i1.12048
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