Leadership Management of Military Hospital in Efforts to Improve the Patient Service (Case Study of RSAL Dr. Mintoarjo)
RSAL dr. Mintoharjo is a military hospital serving members of the Indonesian National Army, the Navy and their families also provide services to the general public. Utilization of hospital facilities has not been optimal with the standard value of Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) below the minimum value that must be achieved. Leadership becomes one of the factors that greatly affect the organization. A leader plays an important role because its existence can determine the progress of the organization, with the change of hospital leadership is expected for better organizational performance. Better performance is one of them by providing good service to the customer so customer satisfaction will be improved so that will reduce (save) cost to effort to attract new customer. In an effort to improve the quality and service of RSAL dr. Mintoharjo implements effective leadership strategies, Transformative and militaristic leadership styles and innovatively transforms organizational culture. With an effective leadership strategy. RSAL dr. Mintoharjo has a strategy of building service, human, quality and achievement in finance. Building service by choosing superior service included in hospital vision, mission, values and strategic plan. Building humanity and quality is by building leadership and training institutions. In the field of finance has been built Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is very helpful in the management of hospital finances. With an effective leadership strategy and leadership style of the Military Transformational Head of RSAL dr. Mintoharjo managed to change the existing organizational culture in the Hospital to be better one of them is with the measuring value of the increasing number of BOR RSAL dr. Mintharjo.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i1.12055
Copyright (c) 2017 Radito Soesanto, Hady Efendy

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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