The Strategy for Preparing Human Resources in Order to Make It as the Maritims of the World
Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world has great potential to become the world maritime axis seen from Indonesia's strategic position which is very busy passing the world trade traffic through the sea. The world maritime axis is a strategic idea to put Indonesia's role and function in the international world. Development of maritime sector can also be applied to the nation's commitment in maintaining and managing marine natural resources for the welfare of all Indonesian people. Infra Development The maritime structure can be realized through the connectivity of the archipelago which includes the provision of sea transportation and port facilities are adequate in each region. The development and preparation of maritime human resources is a thing that cannot be denied in supporting the government's vision to realize Indonesia as a maritime axis of the world. This can be realized with the preparation of reliable, professional and competent human resources and supported by technological advances and adequate infrastructure. Various sectors of maritime development are in desperate need of reliable maritime resource availability, this is required by professional maritime sector employment agencies. The preparation of maritime sector human resources in both formal and informal institutions should always be improved both quantitatively in each region and qualitatively supported by adequate infrastructure and technological progress so that the quality of maritime human resources can compete with experts from various country.
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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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