Lecturer Performance Factors in Private Universities in Bandung City
Nowadays, private universities in west Java, especially in Bandung city, grow and develop fast. Educators are the most important aspect to improve higher education quality. We are talking about lecturers in this case. Government rule says in teacher and lecturer act No. 14 year 2015 that lecturer is professional educator and scientist who transform, develop, and propagate science, technology, and art through education, research, and society dedication. Lecturer is educator who has important role in transforming learners, and lecturer has to have good qualification of academic and character. Lecturer is prosecuted to present good performance. A high lecturer performance influences a higher education quality. This research is aimed to figure out the factors that influence lecturer performance. Performance factors of lecturer include experience, skill, age, sex, education, work period, responsibility, work satisfaction, perception, motivation, leadership, fee, supervision, and work condition (Robbins S P, 2011). There are seven (7) factors, in this research, that influence lecturer performance in learning process in private universities in Bandung city such as age, education, work period, work motivation, work satisfaction, fee perception and supervision perception. The result of the research says X1 variable (age) influences in the amount of 0,069, X2 variable (education) influences in the amount of 0,571; X3 variable (work period) influences in the amount of 0,034; X4 variable (work motivation) influences in the amount of 1,185; X5 variable (work satisfaction) influences in the amount of 0,554; X6 variable (fee perception) influences in the amount of -0,38; X7 variable (supervision perception) influences in the amount of 0,209.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v7i4.12079
Copyright (c) 2017 Ratih Hadiantini, Suka Prayanta Pandia, Emil Robert Kaburuan

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
Email: ijhrs@macrothink.org
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