Technical College Students’ ARCS Learning Motivation on Hospitality English Vocabulary
The purposes of the study were to examine technical college students’ hospitality English vocabulary learning performance and motivation. The subjects were 93 students from a technical college in southern Taiwan. The instruments included one questionnaire called ARCS questionnaire consisting of four factors about learning motivation on hospitality English vocabulary and one English test called Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential (PVQC) on hospitality. The subjects accepted a 40-hour hospitality English vocabulary training course. Then, 93 subjects took a 50-minute PVQC test and 10-minute ARCS questionnaire in December, 2015. The researchers collected the data from the questionnaire and PVQC test and analyzed the data by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results revealed that most of the subjects liked to learn hospitality English vocabulary, and found that learning hospitality English vocabulary was important for them, and most of them reported that English was associated with salary and promotion in the future; however, most of them spent little time learning English after school. The results also showed that some learning motivation factors had effects on hospitality English vocabulary learning performance, like being treated and assessed by teachers equally, getting recognition, or being willing to work hard. Finally, the researchers drew a conclusion based on the results and provided some teaching and research implications for the future.
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