Prioritizing Key Factors of Executive Information Systems to Manage Data and Explain Strategy in Small and Medium Industries with AHP
Historically, executive managers have less opportunity to use computer compared with other members of a company. An executive information system has become a necessity as the only effective and complete information system for managers’ learning in a competitive market. Skill is the main and essential issue in solving problems especially for executive managers. To improve skills and to apply insight, company managers need to use backup equipment like executive information systems (EIS). Concerning the importance and role of determining strategy in an organization and managing its information, it is tried to explain strategy and to manage data in small and medium industries using EISs. Managers have been informed of the importance of EISs; this paper selects the best strategies for small and medium industries by collecting data and managing collected data. The research case study is small and medium industries in Golestan Province. It is attempted in this research to strengthen and analyze weaker factors by evaluating and analyzing quantitative and qualitative criteria determined to prioritize them. Data integrity is considered the best factor after reviewing factors using hierarchy model and Expert Choice software.
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