Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee’s Job Satisfaction and Well-Being Through Team Efficacy in PMBMC
The importance of transformational leadership and well-being of staff in the government punjab model bazaar management company (PMBMC) is progressively more recognized, anyhow there is a lesser amount of information regarding the mechanism to enlighten the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and employee job satisfaction (JS) and well-being (WB). The objective of this study is examining psychological mechanism that links with transformational leadership behaviors to employee’s job satisfaction and well-being. The study design is cross sectional and take place in all (26) model bazaars in Punjab. 200 staff of PMBMC completed the survey questionnaire which was sent to all employees in each bazaar, all participants are males with average ratio of education intermediate and age average 27 to 35 years. Each participant would rate their line manager’s leadership style. Team efficacy was found to act as mediator. In industries and commerce sector PMBMC pressurized environment faced by employees, today transformational leadership may help by ensuring employee’s job satisfaction and positive state of mind as well-being in the form of competent group.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Inam Ullah Khan, Syed Anwer Hasnain, Sami Ullah, Umar Farooq

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