Understanding Public Sector Employees’ Motivation: What Makes Them Inspired?
This article examines the ranked importance of employment motivational factors within the Lebanese public sector. A qualitative interview with employers and employees of the Lebanese public sector is carried out to get their responses on what they consider the best factors that motivate them at work. In this light, the article sets to identify the most ranked factors out of ten motivational factors deemed to affect employees’ motivation in public sector organizations. The analysis from the empirical findings (using NVivo software) showed that remuneration and working conditions are key to higher employee motivation. Promotion, autonomy, participation in decisions, work social relationships and communication should be considered as well. Finally, guidelines and recommendations for implementing research findings with respect to remuneration and suggestions for assessing working conditions are provided.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i1.12758
Copyright (c) 2018 Carole Serhan, Eliane Al Achy, Eva Nicolas

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