An Empirical Analysis of Predictor Influence Mechanisms of HRM Practices and Corporate Sustainability on Employee Engagement: A mediation Analysis
The unquestionable benefits of employee engagement and the ill-effects of disengagement (EE) have necessitated further investigation within the field of human resource management and the wider organizational studies domain. This study sought to measure the perception of employees at a Commercial Bank in Jamaica, on how various practices in the organization, such as human resource management practices (HRMPs), the ethical climate (OEC), and corporate sustainability (CS) affected their engagement. Based on the responses of 130 employees who responded to a self-administered questionnaire hosted online, it was shown quantitatively that employee tenure in an organization affects their engagement, as employees with less than one year, and more than ten years of service with the organization were more engaged. Also, the results indicated that both HRMPs and initiatives and strategies on CS had influence on employees’ behaviour and subsequently their engagement and the predictor effects were enhanced by the mediation effect of OEC. These findings are relevant to practice as well as provide elucidation on the specific mechanisms that influence the relationship between HRMPs and EE, as well as contributing to sparse literature on EE in a Caribbean context.
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