The Impact of Training on Employees’ Performance: The Case of Banking Sector in Lesotho
Human Resources Management literature regards training as the blood stream of any organization because the success of an organisation to achieve its objectives and goals heavily highly depends on its workforce. For this reason, organizations should invest in employees’ training in an effort to enhance their performance and that of an organisation. Nonetheless, some organizations regard training as unnecessary expenditure and always cut training budgets in an effort to improve their financial standing to the detriment of their employees’ welfare because that action incapacitate staff to adapt to the ever-changing working environment and uncertain conditions on account of, inter alia, rapid technological innovation and organizational change. This study employed stratified sampling technique to draw a sample of 171 employees from a population of 300 employees through self-administered questionnaire to examine the impact of training on employees’ performance, employee’s motivation and job-satisfaction in the banking sector in Lesotho. The findings of the study generally revealed that training not only increases employees’ performance but also positively affects employees’ motivation and job satisfaction within the banking sector in Lesotho. Therefore, the banking sector in Lesotho should regularly allocate resources for employees’ training based on identified skill gaps to sharpen employees’ skills, knowledge and abilities in order to capacitate them to cope with the ever-changing working environment and uncertain conditions and to improve their motivation and job-satisfaction.
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