Effect of Organisational Factors on Employee Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study of Academic Professionals at Jordanian Government Universities
This study aims to examine the relationship between turnover intention and some organisational factors among professional academics at Jordanian Government Universities. Namely the organisational factors include job satisfaction, work exhaustion, occupational health and safety management and organisational culture. A sample of 250 participants was extracted from different Jordanian universities. The participants were limited to academics in Jordan who are working in any government Jordanian University. Statistical analysis was conducted by using SPSS 23. Previous literature was also used to design a structured questionnaire. A total of 250 questionnaires were given out and 250 questionnaires were collected back. The study then conducted correlation and regression analysis to determine the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. The models for multiple regression offer support for the relationship between turnover intention and organizational factors. The results revealed that the all the exogenous variables had a significant effect on the endogenous variable. Based on these results, the study implies that managers need to acknowledge the importance of examining the factors that reduce the turnover intentions of the employees and improve the commitment level for their employees.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i2.12847
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