Impact of E-Recruitment on Effectiveness of HR Department in Private Sector of Pakistan
Human Resource (HR) department is one of the most vital departments in any modern organization. Many research studies until date have concluded that HR department plays an important role in the success of any organization. Amongst the various activities, which an HR department expected to conduct, Recruitment holds special importance, as it is concerned with ‘bringing people into the organization’. This research paper aims at exploring the impact of latest technological developments (especially the concept of E-Recruitment) in the context of recruitment and how it has facilitated the modern day HR managers. Private Sector is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of Pakistan and it is generally believed that the private companies operative in Pakistan have well established HR departments that tend to utilize modern technology to assist them with the recruitment activities. Thus, it is only logical to assess the effectiveness of this technology through the example of private sector of Pakistan.
This is a causal research. Causal research is conducted in order to identify the extent and nature of cause-and-effect relationships. Causal research is quantitative in nature as well as preplanned and structured in design like descriptive research. Data collected from the HR professionals, like Head of HR, HR mangers, Deputy & Assistant HR managers, HR Executive, and HR coordinators of private companies located in Multan, Lahore, Faisalabad, Quetta and Islamabad through questionnaires. Statistical tests like, descriptive analysis, sample adequacy, normality, reliability correlations, regression test were used to generate the results of analysis, because the purpose is to find the impact of E-recruitment on effectiveness of HR Departments.
The result has proved that E-recruitment has significant impact on effectiveness of HR Department in private sector of Pakistan.
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