The Influence of Advertising Media towards Consumer Purchasing Behavior in the Food and Beverage Industry in Malaysia
This paper aims to analyze the relationship between print service advertising, broadcast advertising, social media advertising and consumer purchasing behavior. Focusing on the role of advertising media in enhancing consumer purchasing behavior, the research was set in the context of Malaysian food and beverages industry. The respondents consisted of consumers of the food and beverages outlets in Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. A quantitative cross sectional survey method was adopted, coupled with factor analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study revealed that print service advertising, broadcast advertising and social media advertising were positively and significantly related to consumer purchasing behaviour. Further, social media advertising was found to be the strongest predictor of consumer purchasing behavior. The findings of this research facilitate food and beverages operators to identify the appropriate method of advertising to capture the attention of consumers and subsequently increase their market share.
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