Recognizing Acceptance of Change and Organizational Support in Public Service Organizations: Engaging Middle Managers in Organizational Change
Despite the number of transformation plans were implemented by public service organizations, there is still lack of studies concerns on the employees’ acceptance of change in the workplace. The purpose of this paper is to explore the direct influence of perceived organizational support and employee’s acceptance of change by middle managers in Malaysian Public Service organizations. A total of 400 Administrative and Diplomatic Officers (ADO) were selected by using random sampling method and data for this study were collected using self-administered questionnaires. This study employed descriptive and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation to answer research objectives. The findings discovered that acceptance of change and organizational support is significantly positive correlated. Though this investigation may add knowledge to the body of literature on acceptance of change behavior and perceived organizational support, future researchers are encourage to explore the variables on different level of officers in public service organizations as well as to conduct differential study comprise of both public and private organizations.
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