Tanzania Graduate Employability: Perception of Human Resource Management Practitioners
Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) produce many qualified graduates in different fields of study annually but almost half of them become frustrated or desolate because they cannot secure jobs in the labour market and some have huge student loans to settle. Moreover, Tanzania education stakeholders have been arguing that the education offered is not adequately geared to integrate the individual into the strong competitive labour markets. The study used a sample of 100 human resource practitioners to assess their perception of Tanzania graduate employability. It was found that HR practitioners consider Tanzania graduate as average. It has been found that 52.6% of Human Resource practitioners disagree that Tanzania graduate quality is improving. Additionally 56.6 % believe that Tanzania graduate are not competent enough to compete for jobs in the East African labour market. The study recommends various measures to be taken by higher learning institutions, regulatory bodies, policy makers and students themselves.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i2.12921
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