Determinants and Organization Citizenship Behavioral Outcomes of Employee Motivation: An Empirical Study
The purpose of this study is to highlight the role of person-organization fit, person-job fit and organizational culture toward organization citizenship behavior. Further, it analyses how employee motivation acts as a mediator between the relationship of person-organization fit, person-job fit, organizational culture and organization citizenship behavior.
For analysis data was collected through a questionnaire based on adopted scales and the sample consisted of 350 employees of 3S dealers of automobile manufacturers in Multan district, Pakistan. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to provide statistical evidence for hypotheses. Person-organization fit, person-job fit and organizational culture were found significant in predicting organization citizenship behavior directly and through mediation. Further research should attempt to replicate the findings in other samples. In addition, researcher should investigate other significant variables affecting organization citizenship behavior. Implications of these findings suggest that for management development purpose, people should attempt to improve organization citizenship behavior to create person organization fit as well as organization culture and person job fit. This investigation contributes to the literature by identifying specific organization citizenship behavior rather than macro measures of organization citizenship behavior that are associated with different styles of fits and culture.
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