Impact of Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employees Performance
Organizational Justice has been considered a significant subject in the operative organizations functioning. Whereas Organizational Citizenship Behavior is important to achieve the organizational success therefore organizations encourage and facilitate the OCB in order to produce effectiveness and efficiency in organization functions. The primary aim of this research is to investigate the role of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in enhancing employees’ performance in academic setting. Organizational justice plays a pivotal role in shaping individual behavior and particularly extra role behavior such organizational citizenship behavior. To answer the research question, the cross sectional data were collected through a questionnaire from 190 employees working in different universities of Azad Kashmir Pakistan. Our findings reveal that there is a significant positive association among organizational justice (OJ), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and Employees performance (EP). The results indicated that Organizational Justice and Organization Citizenship Behaviors was significant predictor of Employees performance. This research contributes to the managerial literature by identifying and applying theoretical concepts into a different sample and organizational settings.
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