Does Motivation Contribute on Health Care Provision?
This study aimed to examine the contribution of employee motivation on provision of customer care in public health centres, in Morogoro Municipality. Data were collected from four selected public health institutions namely Morogoro General Hospital, Nunge Health Centre, Mafiga Health Centre and Kingolwila Health Centre respectively. The sample of 124 respondents were used, that is; employees and heads of the health centres. Collected data were coded using SPSS, where frequencies, percentages and chi-square were employed. The study identified that career development, training, appreciation, recognition, membership to the Social Security Fund, team work, working condition, paid leave, housing allowances and acting allowance were, the motivation schemes provided to public health employees. However public health workers are motivated by being a member on social security fund, medical cover, supervision, and job security. The result shows that there is significant difference between the employee who are motivated and those who are not motivated with regard to their provision of customer care to patients. The study concludes that most of the employees are not motivated by the existing motivation schemes which consequences lower their ability to provide the appropriate health services. The study recommends that strategies for improving motivation of employee to improve customer care include increase salary, improve working condition, pay housing allowance to all employees, allowance such as leave, overtime should be paid on time, promotion should be made in appropriate time and fair.
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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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