Job-Related Stress among Public Junior Secondary School Teachers in Abuja, Nigeria
In time past, teaching profession was presumed to be stress free. Conversely, stress is gradually becoming endemic in various professions. However, recent studies have shown an exponential increase in the number of educators reporting that stress is affecting their work. Hence, this study seeks to examine causes, signs, symptoms and consequences of job stress among Junior Secondary School teachers in Abuja. This qualitative study used interview to elicit information from a focused group. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data generated. The findings showed that teachers’ stress emanated from external and internal work environments which have moderating and mediating effect on the level of stress an individual feel in carrying out his/her work. Moreover, the consequences of the identified stressors were psychological, behavioural and physiological. Furthermore, the study suggests preventive and interventional measures which can aid to reduce the negative effects of stress on teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ifeanyichukwu Ojeka UKONU, Rachel Serieke Dickson, Georgina I Edoga

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